Weekly newsletter 50
[1]A selection of our best article links of the week, plus featured
FiveBooks interviews, videos, quotations and more.
1. http://thebrowser.com
Weekly Newsletter
Best of the Week
[5]Marx At 193
5. http://b.rw/HjOff8
John Lanchester | London Review Of Books | 28 March 2012
Fine essay examines our modern capitalist society through the lens of
Marx. "If you look at a large picture of the world, much of what he
predicted has come true." But there are some key areas where his
thinking went awry [6]Comments
6. http://thebrowser.com/articles/marx-193
[7]Unforgiven, Unforgotten, Unresolved: Bosnia 20 Years On
7. http://b.rw/GYR2J1
Alec Russell | FT | 23 March 2012
A harrowing return. "To a casual visitor, Visegrad looks like any other
sleepy town in the southern Balkans. But the past here is unforgiven,
unforgotten, unresolved. The town is as it was at the end of the war"
8. http://thebrowser.com/articles/unforgiven-unforgotten-unresolved-bosnia-20-years
[9]The Originality Of The Species
9. http://b.rw/HcRpAK
Ian McEwan | Guardian | 23 March 2012
Wonderful consideration of "the expression, common to both the arts and
science, of the somewhat grand, somewhat ignoble, all too human pursuit
of originality in the face of total dependence on the achievements of
others" [10]Comments
10. http://thebrowser.com/articles/originality-species
[11]Mail Supremacy
11. http://b.rw/H9MQal
Lauren Collins | New Yorker | 26 March 2012
Compelling profile of the Daily Mail, Britain's most powerful
newspaper. Closest US equivalent, Fox News. Run, with a furious energy,
by Paul Dacre, whose editorial meetings are known as the Vagina
Monologues. For reasons made clear [12]Comments
12. http://thebrowser.com/articles/mail-supremacy
[13]Native Tongues
13. http://b.rw/GFPuGy
Simon Winchester | Lapham's Quarterly | 22 March 2012
Fascinating story of the Dictionary of American Regional English. In
1965 volunteers were sent out to thousands of towns, villages and
hamlets across the US to record local dialects. Almost 50 years later
the book is complete [14]Comments
14. http://thebrowser.com/articles/native-tongues
[15]How One Response To A Reddit Query Became A Big Budget Flick
15. http://b.rw/GH0GBr
Jason Fagone | Wired | 20 March 2012
"Erwin started typing. He posted his answer in a series of comments.
Within an hour, he was an online celebrity. Within three hours, a film
producer had reached out to him. Within two weeks, he was offered a
deal to write a movie" [16]Comments
16. http://thebrowser.com/articles/how-one-response-reddit-query-became-big-budget-flick
[17]How I Survived A Plane Crash
17. http://b.rw/GNHmEW
Juliane Koepcke | BBC | 24 March 2012
Juliane Koepcke was flying over Peru when lightning struck her plane.
It broke apart in mid-air and she was catapulted into the outside,
plummeting two miles down, still strapped into her seat. She awoke in
the rainforest below [18]Comments
18. http://thebrowser.com/articles/how-i-survived-plane-crash
[19]The Song Machine
19. http://b.rw/GUse7n
John Seabrook | New Yorker | 22 March 2012
How a pop song gets written. Production team comes up with chord
changes, instrumentation, beat. "Top line" composer brought in to add a
vocal track with melody, catchy hooks. Then a demo goes out to the
intended artist [20]Comments
20. http://thebrowser.com/articles/song-machine
FiveBooks Interview
[21]Barry Ritholtz on Causes of the Financial Crisis
21. http://thebrowser.com/interviews/barry-ritholtz-on-causes-financial-crisis
The Wall Street money manager diagnoses the ills of America’s political
and economic system in a fizzing, irreverent analysis (with promised
f-bombs thrown in) [22]Read on
22. http://thebrowser.com/interviews/barry-ritholtz-on-causes-financial-crisis
Featured Topic
[23]Air Travel
23. http://thebrowser.com/reports/air-travel
Airlines opened to us a world of thrilling possibility. But, for many,
flying is still a terrifying prospect. Crashes, though rare, do happen.
And then there are the security procedures bequeathed to us by 9/11
[24]Read on
24. http://thebrowser.com/reports/air-travel
Reader Recommendations
@BBC_Future The story behind the Batman who was pulled over on Route 29
is the feelgood story of the day. [25]t.co/9f47kRom [26]#browsings
[27]More like this
25. http://t.co/9f47kRom
26. https://twitter.com/search?q=#browsings
27. http://thebrowser.com/browsings
Book of the Week
[28]Book of the Day
28. http://thebrowser.com/recommended/civilization-and-its-discontents-by-sigmund-freud
[29]Civilisation and Its Discontents by Sigmund Freud
29. http://thebrowser.com/recommended/civilization-and-its-discontents-by-sigmund-freud
[30]John Gray says: "Civilisation, as Freud understands it, begins with
the restraint of violence… which means that the civilisational
condition is one of discontent" [31]FiveBooks Archive
30. http://thebrowser.com/interviews/john-gray-on-critiques-utopia-and-apocalypse
31. http://thebrowser.com/fivebooks
Video of the Week
[32]Airline: The Story of Pan Am
32. http://thebrowser.com/videos/airline-story-pan-am
There will never be another
[33]More videos
33. http://thebrowser.com/videos
Quote of the Week
[34]Gabriel Olsen, on praise
34. http://twitter.com/specgram/status/185369726036353024
"She's like an intransitive verb, she can't take complements"
[35]More quotes
35. http://thebrowser.com/quotations
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