Weekly newsletter 6
Best of the Week
Here Be Monsters
Michael Finkel | GQ | 9 May 2011
Epic tale of three boys found in a dinghy in the middle of the Pacific.
"They had no food, no water, no clothing, no fishing gear, no life vests,
and no first-aid kit. They were close to death. They had been missing for 51
days" [1]Comments
1. http://thebrowser.com/articles/here-be-monsters
Unspoken Truths
Christopher Hitchens | Vanity Fair | 9 May 2011
Advancing cancer attacks his vocal cords. "My voice suddenly rose to a
piping squeak. It began to register all over the place, from a gruff and
husky whisper to a papery, plaintive bleat. Now it threatens daily to
disappear" [2]Comments
2. http://thebrowser.com/articles/unspoken-truths
People vs Goldman Sachs
Matt Taibbi | Rolling Stone | 11 May 2011
"A well-connected firm with the ear of the president and the Treasury
appears to have conquered the entire regulatory structure and stands on the
precipice of getting away with one of the biggest financial crimes in
history" [3]Comments
3. http://thebrowser.com/articles/people-vs-goldman-sachs
The Lazarus File
Matthew McGough | Atlantic | 9 May 2011
In 1986, a nurse was murdered in LA. There were no suspects. More than 20
years later, advances in forensic science persuaded police to re-examine the
case. When they did, they found themselves facing a most unlikely murder
suspect [4]Comments
4. http://thebrowser.com/articles/lazarus-file
Bin Laden's Poisonous Ideology Began To Wither On 9/11
Peter Bergen | New America Foundation | 9 May 2011
Superb political post-mortem on Bin Laden. Read the whole thing, but in
brief: 9/11 ultimately counterproductive for Al-Qaeda. Its strategy proved
faulty, ideology unpopular. In the Arab uprisings, AQ and jihadism are
nowhere [5]Comments
5. http://thebrowser.com/articles/bin-ladens-poisonous-ideology-began-wither-911
We Are Inattentive Superheroes
Bradley Voytek | Oscillatory Thoughts | 9 May 2011
A young, healthy person can see a candle flame from 30 miles. The human ear
can hear down to the threshold of Brownian motion, which is atoms moving.
Our senses would amaze us, if only we gave them our full attention, as
animals do [6]Comments
6. http://thebrowser.com/articles/we-are-inattentive-superheroes
The Best Street Photographer You've Never Heard Of
Alex Kotlowitz | Mother Jones | 13 May 2011
Four years ago, a Chicago real estate agent chanced upon a box of negatives.
Its original owner was a recently deceased woman, who'd been a nanny.
Apparently unbeknown to anyone, she was also a highly accomplished
photographer [7]Comments
7. http://thebrowser.com/articles/best-street-photographer-youve-never-heard
Home In Capital Letters
Joe Posnanski | Joe Blogs | 10 May 2011
Glorious piece, laugh out loud in parts, in which sportswriter reflects on
meaning of home. And prepares to leave Kansas City, the place that has come
to mean so much to him. Despite its misfiring golf tournaments and sports
teams [8]Comments
8. http://thebrowser.com/articles/home-capital-letters
FiveBooks Interview
[9]Richard Tofel on the Changing Business of Journalism
9. http://thebrowser.com/interviews/richard-tofel-on-changing-business-journalism
General manager of the non-profit newsroom ProPublica and former assistant
publisher of the Wall Street Journal tells us his predictions for the future
of news
Featured Topic
10. http://thebrowser.com/topics/cooking
If cooking is your thing, or you want it to be, this is for you. From
interviews with top chefs to articles that range from the perfect appliance,
to food for athletes, to what's in your cappuccino, it's all here. Enjoy
Reader Recommendations
@[11]polit2k Chained but untamed | The Economist - [12]goo.gl/XCrzJ
11. http://twitter.com/polit2k
12. http://goo.gl/XCrzJ
13. http://twitter.com/#!/search?q=#browsings
Book of the Week
[14]In Search of Fatima by Ghada Karmi
14. http://thebrowser.com/recommended/search-fatima-by-ghada-karmi
[15]Susan Abulhawa says: This is another memoir, a memoir of violent
uprooting and dislocation, presented in an intimate and very personal way
15. http://thebrowser.com/recommended/search-fatima-by-ghada-karmi#book-recommender-0
Video of the Week
[16]Art Of Flight
16. http://thebrowser.com/videos/art-flight
Even more extreme snowboarding, from the producers of "That's It, That's
Quote of the Week
[17]Edwin Heathcote, on Dubai
17. http://www.ft.com/cms/s/2/dd9bba18-769c-11e0-bd5d-00144feabdc0.html#axzz1LpkdgTGh
"It has spent its history announcing its arrival but hasn’t a clue what to
do when it gets there"
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