Echo Daily Newsletter 6
Mad Coyote Bites Herder — Man Drinks Beer, Then Barks — Women Are Wearing Very Small Hatpins
From The Washington Herald, 23rd June 1913
Boise, Idaho, June 22nd 1913 — Nicholas Doyle, a shed herder in the employ of Sam Ross, is in this city to get treatment for rabies.
The other morning, about 2 o'clock, while asleep in his tent, he was awakened by a fierce pain in his forehead and the weight of a body on his bunk. He struck out with his hands and knocked a coyote across the tent. Following it to the door through which it had disappeared he was in time to see a full-grown coyote, the foam flying from its bloody chops leave the body of a wounded sheep dog and run for the hills.
The coyote had entered the tent of Foyle and bitten him while he was asleep. The teeth of the animal had entered above and below the eye. Without waiting for daylight Doyle caught a horse and started from the city.
While waiting for the remedy Doyle declares that he is not greatly agitated, although he is fearful of losing his life.
Ann Arbor, Mich., June 22nd 1913 — George McGowan, formerly of Danville, N.Y., who suffered with rabies last March, but according to a newspaper clipping found in a pocket, was cured at Albany, drank a glass of beer and awoke the neighbourhood in the vicinity of his room by barking and yelping.
Investigating, the citizens found McGowan on all fours, alternately biting at a table leg and snapping at any one who came his way. A physician and three policemen overpowered the man and took him to a hospital.
Specialists in rabies declared the case was not one of hydrophobia, but hysteria: that the man lived in constant fear of rabies and was the victim of his own imagination. They ascribed the attack to the effect of the beer.
Washington, D.C., June 22nd 1913 — Hatpins are of greatly reduced dimensions. No doubt this is not at all because so many complaints have been made against the danger they offer to the unwary neighbour, but because they have become practically useful, since the present hats fit the head so well.
The hatpin is not only a precautionary measure against an unexpected movement or sudden rush of wind. The pin is usually very short, and the head is quite unimportant.
Some smart women are even using a double pin, called a "safety pin", which fastens the hat to the top of the head, at the place where it rests in the hair.