FiveBooks Newsletter 27

Dear Readers,

We hope you are enjoying are newly merged site. Now at [1]TheBrowser.comyou
can   find  [2]FiveBooksinterviews  and  reviews  as  well  as  expert
recommendations of all the best reading in opinion and analysis.

There are three new sections too: our editors' selection of the [3]Best of
the  Moment; [4]Topics, under which interviews, books and articles are
brought together; and reader recommendations, which we call [5]Browsings.

Don't forget to follow TheBrowser on [6]Twitter and [7]Facebook for regular
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Another great week of interviews over Christmas that culminated in the
Christmas day interview with the man himself.

[9]Mark Bloomfield on Lobbying
Monday, December 20th
The Washington lobbyist says politicians represents their constituencies
'and who am I to say that a bridge to nowhere is an evil thing?' He chooses
five books that best describe the lobbying process, including Machiavelli's
The Prince.

[10]Richard Cohen on the Sun
Tuesday, December 21st
It makes us feel sexy, it makes us feel healthy and it can even make us feel
more inspired. No wonder we’re in thrall to the power of the sun, says
author Richard Cohen.

[11]RJ Ellory on Human Dramas
Wednesday, December 22nd
Roger Ellory is a bestselling author whose recommendations include Annie
Proux, Stephen King and Truman Capote. There are, he says, no rules to great
writing. Reading The Shining as a quarantined orphan at boarding school with
chicken pox was a formative experience, he says...and not necessarily in a
good way.

[12]Jack Zipes on Fairy Tales
Thursday, December 23rd
Fairy tales are as relevant today as ever, says Professor Jack Zipes. They
are a means of communicating about serious problems such as rape (Red Riding
Hood) and abandonment of children (Hansel and Gretel).

[13]Brent Landau on The Real Christmas Story
Friday, December 24th
Religious studies scholar Brent Landau says that the Christmas story is the
part of the Gospels that is least based on history. Jesus probably was not
even born in Bethlehem.

[14]Father Christmas on Christmas
Saturday, December 25th
Father Christmas is a mythical figure who delivers presents to good children
on Christmas Eve. Also known as Santa Claus and St Nikolaus, he chooses the
best five books on Christmas, focusing on one in which he himself goes to
Las Vegas.

Don't miss the interviewers' favourites coming up this week as Daisy Banks,
Sophie Roell and myself choose the interviews we most enjoyed doing in 2010.

Have a wonderful New Year.


Anna Blundy

Editor, FiveBooks

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About FiveBooks: Editor, Anna Blundy; Managing Partner, Al Breach. Please
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