Happiness Musk

The full Browser features five outstanding articles, a video and a podcast daily. Today, enjoy our video and podcast picks.

Audio: Ronan Farrow On Elon Musk | New Yorker. Ronan Farrow enlarges on his story in this week's New Yorker about Elon Musk's emergence as an essential yet unaccountable part of American governance. Musk stands athwart the green transition, the space race, the war in Ukraine. Yes, he is some sort of wayward genius. But should any private person possess such power? (32m 43s)

Video: Happiness | Steve Cutts | Vimeo | 4m 15s

Funny, touching, sad animation about the rat race as lived by rats. Previously recommended on The Browser in 2017, but such a classic that I will risk recommending it again. The soundtrack is L’Amour Est Un Oiseau Rebelle from Bizet's Carmen. Cutts on Cutts: “I grew up looking at artists like Robert Crumb and Gary Larson, so I’m sure there’s some of their influence in there somewhere. I tend to view the world in a kind in slightly abstract terms and often see humor in dark situations"

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