Information Issues

Skill Issues

Lily Scherlis | The Drift | 18th July 2024

Behavioural therapies hold that a good life entails skilled emotional management. Before they became popular, “the idea of directly teaching emotional regulation was a novelty in therapy”. Its creator, Marsha Linehan, had been institutionalised for self-harm. Eventually cured, she drew a blueprint for a new therapeutic practice based on her experiences. “More than sessions with a psychiatrist, I needed skills” (4,600 words)

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The (Dis)Assembly Of Information

Miles Kellerman | False Positive | 29th July 2024

At its core, a financial transaction is an exchange of information. Underground banking systems work on this premise, and have existed for far longer than modern states. The Hawala system operated on the ancient Silk Road, obviating the need for traders to carry money on dangerous routes. To this day, it is used in cross-border payments. Hawala brokers use pre-agreed secret codes to maintain trust (3,900 words)

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