Loskop History

Loskop To Swakop

Stan Engelbrecht | Radavist | 15th January 2025 | U

Travel diary covering a cycling trip across Namibia, one of the most sparsely populated places in the world. There are practical challenges and travelling with a support vehicle seems wise, but the wonders of the place make up for it. The so-called "Moon Landscape" is breathtaking and the occasional subterranean boom from the mining industry only adds to the eerieness (2,300 words)

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Nomido is the Browser's daily word game. Play today's before it's gone!

A Shoddy Work Of History

Stefan Gužvica | Jacobin | 7th January 2025 | U

The Black Book of Communism is a 1997 essay collection by a group of European academics. It was intended to be "a massive compendium of crimes and deaths committed in the name of communism" but is riddled with incorrect data, including the disputed "one hundred million deaths" figure. Yet the book's popularity endures, influencing people who have never heard of it (2,700 words)

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