New Wealth

Departing The New York Times

Paul Krugman | Contrarian | 28th January 2025

Economist's take on the state of US opinion commentary, as seen through the lens of his own decision to end his association with the Gray Lady after more than a quarter of a century. "I used to say, only half-jokingly, that if a column didn’t generate a large amount of hate mail, that meant that I had wasted the space. Yet what I felt during my final year at the Times was a push toward blandness" (1,600 words)

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On Having A Maximum Wealth

Hamilton Nolan | How Things Work | 25th January 2025

Acquiring and maintaining a level of extreme wealth for a tiny proportion of the global population is a ludicrous idea around which to organise a human society. Consider a thought experiment: what if, instead of tinkering around the edges of this unfettered capitalism with laws and regulations, we simply made it illegal for any one individual to have a net worth of over a billion dollars? (1,700 words)

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