Newsletter 102

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Writing Worth Reading

* [2]Smaller Than Life
   B.R. Myers | Atlantic | 15 September 2010
   Intelligent, hostile review of Jonathan Franzen's "Freedom". School of
   Don DeLillo. Boring novel of minor characters. Ragbag of social trends
   stuffed into convenient modern setting
 * [3]Romanies' Long Road
   Anonymous | Economist | 16 September 2010
   Excellent refutation of European prejudice against gypsies. In America,
   they can thrive like any other immigrants. Their problem in Europe is
   exclusion, especially from education
 * [4]Judge, 103, Wants No Lengthy Trials
   A.G. Sulzberger | NYT | 16 September 2010
   US courts rely heavily on older, semi-retired judges. Profile of Judge
   Wesley Brown, soon to be America's oldest-ever judge. Fragile, alert.
   “At this age, I’m not even buying green bananas”
 * [5]City Of Death
   Rory Carroll | Guardian | 16 September 2010
   Another terrifying report on Mexico's drug wars. This time from northern
   city of Torreon, where prison director freed gang members overnight to
   massacre guests at wedding party
 * Topic: God And The Vatican

Essays and interviews on the economics of sainthood, the pope and
   globalisation, child abuse, and... [6]Continue reading...

[7]Today on FiveBooks: The History of Iraq

About [8]The Browser: _Editor_, [9]Robert Cottrell; _Managing
Partner_, [10]Al Breach. Please [11]write to us if you would like to make a
comment on the site, or suggest a link.
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