Newsletter 14

Hic sunt camelopardus: this historical edition of The Browser is presented for archaeological purposes; links and formatting may be broken.

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[2]Eventful Life of Philip Glass
Jim Carroll I Irish Times I 28 May 2010
Composer recalls taxi-driving past, musical collaborations. "He would come
in, turn on the recording equipment, and record everything that happened in
the room, some of which was music."
[3]The Battle For Kingston, Jamaica
Chris McGreal I The Guardian I 28 May 2010
"Jesus died for us. We will die for Dudus." Fine despatch explaining local
support for alleged drugs lord, intertwining of Jamaican criminality and
politics. Still many questions for government to answer - above all, who are
the dead?
[4]Requiem For An Armchair
Winston Smith I 28 May 2010
Giving users of social services say in minor decisions is indulgent not
empowering. It perpetuates sense of entitlement, wastes money, leads to
absurdity of consultation exercises over replacement of tatty furniture.
[5]Dust To Dust
Matthew Bown | Artnet | 25 May 2010
Intricate argument that the high values placed on modern art are analogous
to, and possibly a continuation of, the high values placed on religious
relics in medieval times
[6]How The Web Rewires Our Brains
Nicholas Carr | Wired | 24 May 2010
When we read online, we scan fragments, browse links. With printed text we
read deeply, attentively. Both are useful. The danger is that skimming has
become our dominant mode of thought
A.C. Grayling | Barnes and Noble Review | 27 May 2010
Well-structured, well-written, non-technical essay on possible reasons why
homo sapiens flourished, while rival species—Neanderthals, homo floriensis,
"x-woman people"—disappeared
[8]Once Upon A Time In Afghanistan
Mohammad Qayoumi | Foreign Policy | 27 May 2010
Photo-essay on Afghan life in 1960s, with illustrations from contemporary
guide book. Amazing, chastening, to see Westernised country with
well-functioning factories, unveiled women, hospitals, buses,
[9]No Museum Left Behind
Lance Esplund | Weekly Standard | 27 May 2010
Epic denunciation of Philadelphia's scheme to move Barnes Foundation art
collection from perfect old suburban home to a new city-centre museum.
Artistic values trashed, tourist trade triumphs
[10]BP Decisions Set Stage for Disaster
Ben Casselman, Russell Gold | WSJ | 27 May 2010
Meticulous investigative reporting. Journal shows beyond reasonable doubt
that BP was cutting corners, running risks, ignoring warning signs in run-up
to Deepwater Horizon disaster
[11]Al-Qaeda And National Security
Marc Lynch | Foreign Policy | 27 May 2010
New National Security Strategy previewed. "This is not a global war against
a tactic—terrorism, or a religion—Islam. We are at war with a specific
network, al-Qa'ida, and its terrorist affiliates"
Daniel Lansberg-Rodriguez | New Republic | 25 May 2010
Most Latin American countries have gone through 10 or 20 constitutions.
Governments there seem to think they can change society by changing the law.
They merely destabilise it
Buttonwood | Economist | 27 May 2010
Economic crisis resembles last stages of "Lost" and "Ashes to Ashes". After
plot twists that were hard to follow or believe, we're in a purgatory of
massive government intervention
[14]We're All Swedes Now
Andrew Brown | Foreign Policy | 26 May 2010
Stieg Larsson's Millennium trilogy exaggerates decay of Swedish society, but
Swedish model has hit problems: economic downturn, alcoholism, struggle to
assimilate immigrants
[15]Easy Money, Hard Truths
David Einhorn | NYT | 26 May 2010
Americans won't be passing on debts to their children. Crisis is coming in
this generation. Default isn't inevitable, but no sign yet of action needed
to steer country away from crisis
[16]Sex And The City 2
Roger Ebert | 25 May 2010
He doesn't like it. Any of it. "I don't know a whole lot about fashion, but
I know something about taste, and these women spend much of the movie
dressed in tacky, vulgar clothing"
[17]Women And Body Image
William Leith | Telegraph | 23 May 2010
Man's perspective on perplexing-to-men question. Why are women generally so
much more anxious than men about the way they look? It might be advertising,
it might be evolution
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