Newsletter 15

Hic sunt camelopardus: this historical edition of The Browser is presented for archaeological purposes; links and formatting may be broken.

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[2]Captured By Somali Pirates
Ruadhan MacCormaic I Irish Times I 29 May 2010
French woman recounts tragic story of kidnap in Indian Ocean, botched rescue
attempt by French special forces, subsequent battle to establish how her
husband died
[3]Electoral Consequences Of Deficit Cutting
Alberto Alesina et al I Vox I 29 May 2010
Economists argue that, contrary to conventional wisdom, cutting spending and
deficits isn't political suicide. But good communication with the public and
time until the next election help
[4]Predicting England's World Cup
Simon Kuper I Fanhouse I 29 May 2010
Economist analyses England prospects. The good news for fans, there will be
goals; the bad, the team will perform like a cheap battery. And no German
has missed a penalty in a World Cup shootout since 1982
[5]Remembering Dennis Hopper
Roger Ebert I 29 May 2010
From James Dean's sidekick aged 19 to terrifying gas-sniffing pervert in
Blue Velvet, he created characters we remember. The turning point though was
that "little motorcycle picture".
[6]There Was "Nobody in Charge"
Douglas Blackmon et al | WSJ | 28 May 2010
Second part of damning investigation into BP disaster. Reconstruction of the
fire and explosion. "The rig was unprepared for the kind of disaster that
struck and was overwhelmed when it occurred"
[7]Snoozing Through National Security Strategy
Stephen Walt I Foreign Policy I 28 May 2010
Critical assessment of White House foreign policy document. Authors have
written long-winded, hypocritical, unrealistic report. But at least it won't
matter much. Deeds are what count.
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