Newsletter 17

Hic sunt camelopardus: this historical edition of The Browser is presented for archaeological purposes; links and formatting may be broken.

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[2]Southeast Washington Drive-by Shootings
Paul Duggan | Washington Post | 3 June 2010
Old-fashioned, breathless, horrifying, hammed-up crime reporting.
Investigation of how a half-witted teenager's anger over a lost charm
bracelet turned into a multiple revenge killing
[3]On Distraction
Alain de Botton | City Journal | Spring 2010
We overload our minds. Not only the internet. Modern world an unending hunt
for new works of culture, new knowledge, new experience. Everything blurs.
Try putting your mind on a diet
[4]Spillonomics: Underestimating Risk
David Leonhardt | NYT Magazine | 31 May 2010
When an event is difficult to imagine, we tend to underestimate its
likelihood: hence subprime crisis, BP blowout. When it's easy to imagine, we
over-react: hence security theatre after 9/11
[5]Gaza, Flotilla, And Israel's Decline
David Grossman | Guardian | 1 June 2010
"Insane" attack on flotilla continues cycle of panic, violence, vengeance,
following from bad, failed policy of closing Gaza. Political system is
bloated, corrupt, incapable of thought
[6]Soldiers' Small Talk In Afghan War
Greg Jaffe | Washington Post | 30 May 2010
Touching. Just what the headline says. Overheard fragments. "In these
moments troops can be goofy, brave, profane, loyal and wickedly funny. They
are often just kids"
[7]Oil Spill As Metaphor
Micah Sifry | TechPresident | 31 May 2010
"We've got live video from a mile under the ocean, and competing news sites
offering leak-counters for how bad it is. But are we doing anything with
that information?"
[8]Israel's Brutal Blunder
Stephen Walt | Foreign Policy | 31 May 2010
Obama must seize moment, get tough on Israel and on peace process. Reckless
Israeli policy taints, endangers America. Watershed for US pro-Israel groups
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