Newsletter 34

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[2]In A Hole
Philip Coggan | Economist | 24 June 2010
Credit  crunch  ended  cycle of rising global debt. Now comes time for
repayment—or, more likely, default, and/or inflation. So concludes this
long, pessimistic survey of debt, all of it worth reading
[3]Five-State Solution
Daniel Gordis | Jerusalem Post | 25 June 2010
Vivid thought experiment. Israel isn't two states struggling together, it is
five:  Gaza, West Bank, Israeli Arabs, ultra-Orthodox Jews, and Jewish
democrats. Cut them loose, let fittest survive
[4]Democracy And Endless War
Andrew Bacevich | Washington Post | 25 June 2010
All-professional US army allows politicians to make foreign wars at little
short-term political cost. But over time, there is a huge cost to democracy,
national solidarity, not to say the army itself
[5]Iraqi Elections Of 2010
Kanan Makiya | Crown Center | June 2010
Almost  four  months  after  polling day Iraq still has no government.
Pessimistic paper expects identity politics, rejected by voters, to be
reasserted as autocratic faction leaders carve up ministries into private
[6]Secret Of Alcoholics Anonymous
Brendan Koerner | Wired | 23 June 2010
Interesting new take on fascinating subject. "Secret" here is why AA method
works  at  all.  Not  yet explained scientifically. One theory: public
confession helps repair alcohol-damaged part of brain
[7]Iceland's Joke Campaigner Gets Elected
Sally McGrane | NYT | 26 June 2010
Comedian forms party, promises “drug-free Parliament by 2020”, gets 34% of
municipal  vote, winds up mayor of Reykjavik. Cites "The Wire" as main
political influence. Wife is Bjork's best friend
[8]In Search Of The Perfect Football
Ian Jack | Guardian | 26 June 2010
Brief, eccentric, very enjoyable history of the football, from waterlogged
leather skull-shaker to much maligned Jabulani. Apparently Jabulani means
rejoice in isiZulu. Adidas expects to sell 13m of them at up to £80 each
[9]Heavy, Rough And Hard
Ed Yong | Not Exactly Rocket Science | 25 June 2010
Psychological experiment suggests things we touch can affect our judgements,
decisions. Top tip: harder chairs make harder hearts so don't let the car
dealer make you negotiate a price from the soft seating
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[10]ON OUR SISTER SITE, FIVEBOOKS.COM: This week's theme—China

About [11]The      Browser: _Editor_, [12]Robert      Cottrell; _Managing
Partner_, [13]Al Breach. Please [14]write to us if you would like to make a
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