Newsletter 38

Hic sunt camelopardus: this historical edition of The Browser is presented for archaeological purposes; links and formatting may be broken.

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[2]Pakistan's Proxy War
William Dalrymple | Guardian | 1 July 2010
Writer argues Afghanistan conflict has become a proxy war, Nato only a bit
player. With signs Karzai is planning for life after the Americans, could a
grand bargain between Pakistan and India be possible?
[3]Why We Are In Afghanistan
Rory Stewart | Spiegel | 1 July 2010
Critic of Afghanistan strategy argues West is confusing what is desirable
with what is possible. Answer lies in recognising limitations, understanding
there are things that we, as foreigners, cannot do
[4]Not Anyone’s Daughter
Kenneth Anderson | Volokh Conspiracy | 1 July 2010
Attack on American Academy of Pediatrics' call to decriminalise "ritual
nick" of clitoris. Multi-culturalism gone mad. But commenters push back,
asking why female "nick" so much worse than male circumcision
[5]Amazon, Woot, And You
Matt Rutledge | Woot Blog | 30 June 2010
CEO of explains to his workforce why he is selling the company to "Our business model is so vague that there’s no way Amazon can
possibly change what it is we’re truly doing"
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[6]ON OUR SISTER SITE, FIVEBOOKS.COM: This week's theme—Money

About [7]The Browser: _Editor_, [8]Robert Cottrell; _Managing
Partner_, [9]Al Breach. Please [10]write to us if you would like to make a
comment on the site, or suggest a link.
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