Newsletter 43

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[2]How Iran Is Changing
Golnaz Esfandiari | Foreign Policy | 8 July 2010
Interview with exiled author of Persepolis, Marjane Satrapi. On her new
film, the trouble with politicians and what's changed in Iran. "The notion
of fear, which I grew up with, has completely disappeared"
[3]The World Cup Brand Winner
Elie Ofek | Harvard Business Review Blogs | 9 July 2010
Marketing professor analyses Adidas, Nike battle. Adidas was official FIFA
sponsor, but Nike learned how to size up social networking trend and apply
it to its business. Other companies should watch and learn
[4]The Coming Trade War
Robert Reich | 9 July 2010
Pithy economic commentary for non-specialists. When world's productive
capacities exceed the buying power of world's consumers, every government
wants to increase exports, discourage imports. That spells trade war
[5]Thoughts On Syria And Israel
Elias Muhanna | Qifa Nabki | 9 July 2010
Interview with Syria expert Joshua Landis. Israel doesn't believe there's
enough to gain by handing back the Golan. Syria thinks its only hope is to
change balance of power, force Israeli reassessment
[6]Israel's Nukes Harm US Interests
John Mearsheimer | | 9 July 2010
Transcript of powerful speech at Washington's Spy Museum. Made sense for
Israel to develop nuclear weapons but they expose US to possible coercion,
make nuclear proliferation in the Middle East more likely
[7]Electrical Grid For 21st Century
Joel Achenbach | National Geographic | July 2010
Good primer on problems confronting America's power industry—mainly aging
grid infrastructure, fossil-fuel reliance—and a round-up of possible
solutions, if and when money can be found
[8]Agricultural Revolution
Anonymous | Economist | 8 July 2010
China's banks now biggest in world, with lots of room to grow at home and
heft to buy almost any rival. Future of finance could be China’s—if it
creates the right regulatory environment
[9]Crisis And The Euro
George Soros | NYRB | 8 July 2010
Updated version of Humboldt University speech on 23 June. Argues Merkel
government is undermining EU, putting eurozone at risk, by pursuing
dogmatic, deflationary economic policies
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[10]ON OUR SISTER SITE, FIVEBOOKS.COM: This week's theme—Diplomacy

About [11]The Browser: _Editor_, [12]Robert Cottrell; _Managing
Partner_, [13]Al Breach. Please [14]write to us if you would like to make a
comment on the site, or suggest a link.
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