Weekly newsletter 23
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1. http://thebrowser.com
Weekly Newsletter
Best of the Week
[5]Chronicle Of A Catastrophe Foretold
5. http://b.rw/oKP0Xm
John Carlin | Independent | 5 September 2011
Gripping 9/11 retrospective focusing on failure of CIA to pass critical
information to FBI. "The judgement I made, and which I shall always regret,
is that it was not quite important enough for me to risk going to jail"
6. http://thebrowser.com/articles/chronicle-catastrophe-foretold
[7]Ten Things Everyone Should Know About Time
7. http://b.rw/n2DI2L
Sean Carroll | Cosmic Variance | 1 September 2011
Each one a cracker. "Time" is the most used noun in our language but it's
still a mystery. Oddly, we all live in the past – about 80 milliseconds
back. Stranger still, if we couldn't manipulate time, we couldn't have
consciousness [8]Comments
8. http://thebrowser.com/articles/ten-things-everyone-should-know-about-time
[9]The Arab Counterrevolution
9. http://b.rw/oQsK0n
Hussein Agha & Robert Malley | NYRB | 7 September 2011
Outstanding analysis of Arab uprisings, looking ahead to what may follow.
"Revolutions devour their children. The spoils go to the resolute, the
patient, who know what they are pursuing and how to achieve it" [10]Comments
10. http://thebrowser.com/articles/arab-counterrevolution
[11]Neuroscience vs Philosophy
11. http://b.rw/pJwUDU
Kerri Smith | Nature | 31 August 2011
A debate is raging between philosophers and scientists over nature of free
will. Neuroscientists say they can prove it is an illusion. But philosophers
aren't buying this. Here's a detailed account of the latest developments
12. http://thebrowser.com/articles/neuroscience-vs-philosophy
[13]The Price of 9/11
13. http://b.rw/nxXy4T
Joseph Stiglitz | Project Syndicate | 1 September 2011
Concise, highly critical economic assessment of Bush's post-9/11 wars. He
took America into "the first war in history paid for entirely on credit".
Legacy of his disastrous leadership will be with Americans for years to come
14. http://thebrowser.com/articles/price-911
[15]The Dark Side Of An MIT Brain
15. http://b.rw/otPu5T
Ryan Normandin | The Tech | 6 September 2011
Story of MIT graduate Lead Wey and the website he created
seekingarrangement.com. Most dating websites match partners for long-term
relationships. Not so with Wey's venture which is in essence a hub for
prostitution. But a legal one [16]Comments
16. http://thebrowser.com/articles/dark-side-mit-brain
[17]The Girl From Trails End
17. http://b.rw/nOlFST
Kathy Dobie | GQ | 6 September 2011
Well-told, thoroughly disturbing story of a Texas gang rape case. And the
reaction in the community when it became known that the 11-year-old victim
was Hispanic and all nineteen defendants were black [18]Comments
18. http://thebrowser.com/articles/girl-trails-end
[19]Noel Gallagher After Oasis
19. http://b.rw/oie8fJ
Chuck Klosterman | Grantland | 6 September 2011
Bland headline, possibly unattractive subject, ripsnorter of an interview.
If you can tolerate liberal use of the f-word. About as far from the usual
corporate, new-album-promoting puff as you're likely to find [20]Comments
20. http://thebrowser.com/articles/noel-gallagher-after-oasis
FiveBooks Interview
[21]Eric Olsen on How to Write
21. http://thebrowser.com/interviews/eric-olsen-on-how-write
From their egos and anxieties to the way they work, writers have more in
common than we might think. The journalist and editor takes us inside the
writing process and reveals who gives the best advice for aspiring authors
[22]Read on
22. http://thebrowser.com/interviews/eric-olsen-on-how-write
Featured Topic
[23]9/11: Ten Years On
23. http://thebrowser.com/topics/911-ten-years
It's now a decade since the shocking and tragic events of 9/11. How did we
get to here and what have we learnt? We've collected some of the best
writing reflecting on the legacy of the attacks for America and the world
[24]Read on
24. http://thebrowser.com/topics/911-ten-years
Reader Recommendations
_@obitmag_ _#somethingtoread_ _#browsings_ Rick Perry's Insane Death Penalty
Declaration: Texas Gov. Defends Capital Punishment System [25]ht.ly/6oQrJ
[26]More like this
25. http://ht.ly/6oQrJ
26. http://thebrowser.com/browsings
Book of the Week
[27]Book of the Day
27. http://thebrowser.com/recommended/anglo-dutch-moment-by-jonathan-i-israel
[28]The Anglo-Dutch Moment by Jonathan I Israel
28. http://thebrowser.com/recommended/anglo-dutch-moment-by-jonathan-i-israel
[29]Steven Pincus says: “Israel was the first person to break the consensus
about the un-revolutionary nature of the English Revolution of 1688-9”
[30]FiveBooks Archive
29. http://thebrowser.com/interviews/steven-pincus-on-english-revolution-1688
30. http://thebrowser.com/fivebooks
Video of the Week
[31]'Grinding The Crack'
31. http://thebrowser.com/videos/grinding-crack
They call it extreme sports, but this looks more like near-certain death
[32]More videos
32. http://thebrowser.com/videos
Quote of the Week
[33]Ron Carlson, on writing
33. http://thebrowser.com/interviews/eric-olsen-on-how-write
"I write from personal experiences, whether I’ve had them or not"
[34]More quotes
34. http://thebrowser.com/quotations
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