Free Settlement

This week, The Browser looks back at some of our favourite selections from the year gone by.

The Augustinian Settlement

Nathan Goldwag | Goldwag’s Journal On Civilisation | 1st July 2024

Historians mark 27 BCE as the year the Roman Republic transitioned into the Roman Empire, when Augustus became its first Emperor — without actually establishing an “Empire” or the office of “Emperor”. The Republican system was retained, while a dynasty that would last centuries was formed. How was this done? Extraordinarily detailed account of the forces that shaped Rome’s turning point (3,600 words)

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Nomido is the Browser's daily word game. Play today's before it's gone!

Free At Last?

George Scialabba | Hedgehog Review | 16th August 2024

Wading into an old debate with new insights. “What is free will? Mitchell shows how our reasoning power evolved over billions of years; acting for reasons is our defining property. Sapolsky’s rejoinder is simple: Where do reasons come from? From childhood, our genome, ancestral culture, species history. It’s a rare intellectual confrontation: both sides deeply informed, fair-minded, incisively argued” (2,500 words)

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