Newsletter 81

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Writing Worth Reading

* [2]Last Days Of New Labour
   Chris Mullin | Mail On Sunday | 22 August 2010
   Excerpts from former minister's highly readable diaries. Damning on both
   Blair, his wife (who insisted on having the nuclear bunker re-decorated)
   and a mostly furious and paranoid Brown
 * [3]Madison Avenue
   Adam Curtis | BBC Blogs | 20 August 2010
   Typically individualistic piece from author who tends to divide opinion.
   Some great stuff on people behind characters in Mad Men, fascinating
   archive footage
 * [4]Yemen's Army Of Jihadis
   Ghaith Abdul-Ahad | Guardian | 23 August 2010
   Despatch from southern Yemen explains rise of jihadism, complex
   relationship between militants and government. US gulled into funding
   failed strategy
 * [5]72 Hours In Afghanistan
   P.J. O'Rourke | Weekly Standard | 23 August 2010
   "If you spend 72 hours in a place you’ve never been, talking to people
   whose language you don’t speak, and you come back as the world’s biggest
   know-it-all, you’re a reporter"
 * [6]Muhammad In Manhattan
   Mark Jacobson | New York | 22 August 2010
   Fed up as you probably are with the "Ground Zero Mosque" story, this
   piece is well worth reading. Light touch. Fresh reporting. Good
 * [7]Military And Mullahs
   William Dalrymple | New Statesman | 23 August 2010
   Pakistan army flexes muscles. Karzai wants its help managing
   post-American Afghanistan. Flood response has raised its domestic
   popularity. May be time for another coup

[8]Today on FiveBooks - Israel.

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